Core Beliefs
The following are the core beliefs of Rise Church based on the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.
We Believe...
The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
God is triune: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Man fell through disobedience.
Christ died for our sins & wholeness.
Salvation is by grace.
In a daily relationship with Jesus.
In water baptism by immersion.
In regular celebration of the communion.
In Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In divine healing through the death of Jesus.
The second coming of Jesus is both imminent and personal.
In the final judgement.
In heaven and hell.
The Church is responsible to evangelize all the
world and the mission field is all around us.
Radical generosity is essential to Gospel transformation.
Saved people serve people.
There is always something to celebrate in Jesus.
God hears and responds to our prayers.
As a Foursquare Church
We declare that Jesus is:
Our Savior
Our Healer
Our Baptizer in the Holy Spirit
Our Soon Coming King
* For more information on Foursquare click HERE
Our Savior
Our Healer
Our Baptizer in the Holy Spirit
Our Soon Coming King
* For more information on Foursquare click HERE